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From Fitness to Pharma: Franco Cavaleri Bridges the Gap in Health Innovation

From Fitness to Pharma: Franco Cavaleri Bridges the Gap in Health Innovation

Biomedical researcher Franco Cavaleri started focusing on sports and fitness early in his life. He was a good student in school and valued his education, but he enjoyed soccer, even though he was small. At age 12, he began weightlifting to strengthen and tone himself. He competed in his first body-building competition in his senior year of high school at 17.

Franco went to the University of British Columbia, where he studied biochemistry and nutritional sciences. He continued competing in body-building events until 1992. He was diagnosed with severe ulcerative colitis in 1991 while preparing for the IFBB Mr. North America bodybuilding championships, and he experienced a significant setback. Doctors wanted to resect his large intestine, meaning to remove some of it. He declined.

Realizing that he hadn’t had as many symptoms when he was taking curcumin that he’d been researching and working with in college, he went back to that supplement. His symptoms cleared up, and Franco resumed body-building competitions to complete what he had targeted as a milestone - the Mr. North America Championships, which he did in fact win with a unanimous decision in 1992 after a come-back. Franco’s fitness knowledge has helped his career in pharmaceutical innovation as he studies many of the historical compounds used in a different context. This historical foundation also supports the study and research of new technologies leveraging his training in experimental medicine and more recent science to maximize the pharmacology to breakthrough status.

Cavaleri resumed his studies in nutraceuticals, which are products derived from food sources and purified nutrients that can be used for health benefits. He entered graduate school to start his doctoral research at UBC’s Faculty of Medicine in the Center for Brain Research.

“Today we take my discoveries, some of which are published in medical journals, and we research deeper into the genome and proteome,” Cavaleri says. “We now use my deeper knowledge in experimental medicine from my doctorate work in experimental medicine and with an Indian government university in cancer pharmacology to take things again to the next level of understanding for humanity.”

Franco’s passion for both athletic and academic performance and the need for recovery and health maintenance from autoimmune disease established a potent impetus for him to study, research, and discover breakthroughs in medicine and nutrition.

“All this set the stage for personal recovery outside the scope of conventional medicine,” Cavaleri explains. “My personal success in sports came from using technologies and nutraceuticals others didn’t have. As soon as I was able, I began offering these technologies to the marketplace to help people achieve their own personal optimal health and performance goals at whatever age they wanted to start.”

When Cavaleri began looking to establish a company making nutraceutical supplements in 1989, people scoffed and told him that business type was not lucrative. Times were different then, and these technologies were not as widely accepted and dispersed. They also said bodybuilding was a waste of time with good intentions; people who cared about his chosen direction didn’t understand his unique vision.

“That fueled a hunkering down by me to become strategic for my performance success in bodybuilding but also to change how we sell health products,” Franco says. “By changing how these are researched and marketed, by re-engineering technologies to be pointed pharmacologically as opposed to loose standardization, I was able to succeed personally in sport and business. I used my own background and experiences to convey the functionality of the products into commercialized products for others to experience.”

Biologic PharmaMedical, Cavaleri’s company, makes nutraceuticals to sell wholesale to other companies. His research and innovation background brings these products to more and more people. Using his own health and sports goals to succeed in helping others, Franco has found a niche and comfort zone in the industry but also a fantastic reconstitution of performance validation that his son benefits from today, too. These discoveries and breakthroughs positively affect older and younger generations alike.

“I see this now in my son,” Franco Cavaleri says proudly. “And I know irrefutably as he applies similar principles, the results he achieves are fast-tracked and all because I did all the trial and error historically. Now, he applies what works without wasting time. Furthermore, with a great understanding of nutrition and exercise techniques he has gained the confidence to study novel training and other techniques with an understanding to apply them successfully for his own goals. It further validates with tremendous excitement what I have done and what we are doing at Biologic PharmaMedical when we see this value transcend generations in both directions of the age spectrum”

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