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The Science of Healing: Adam Cardona Unveils the Benefits of Medical Massage

The Science of Healing: Adam Cardona Unveils the Benefits of Medical Massage

Written by: Jessica Thompson

In its earliest days, massage therapy was a holistic practice that involved manipulating the body’s muscles to promote relaxation. Ancient people used this technique for spiritual rituals and medicinal treatments. But, as time went on, the role of massage therapy evolved, birthing what we now know as medical massage.

By contributing to long-term health and improved quality of life, rather than just offering temporary relief, medical massages have risen in popularity in the past years.

According to Adam Cardona, the founder of the New-York based Elite Healers Sports Massage, this popularity can be largely attributed to the fact that medical massages not only address an array of physical ailments, such as chronic pain, sports injuries, or conditions like fibromyalgia or migraines but are also an invaluable step in the recovery and restoration process as a whole, making this a multifaceted branch of massage therapy.

Yet, the discourse regarding medical massage therapy, in general, is often riddled with misinformation and considerable doubt.

“Many people, including some other health professions, actually have a misconception that massage therapy is generally just for relaxation,” Cardona says. “But, it has an immense potential to produce tangible health benefits.”

With nearly two decades of experience in the field, Cardona has dedicated his career to clearing these misconceptions and redefining the medical massage therapy sector at large.

He and his team at Elite Healers approach their work with utmost care and dedication, offering personalized treatment plans for each client that span from professional athletes, such as marathoners, to everyday individuals passionate about fitness and wellness.

As Cardona explains, conventional treatments typically involve temporary relief for patients’ discomfort without either analyzing the underlying cause of their condition or attempting to treat it long-term. Most individuals seeking help for sports-related injuries are sent home with painkillers or prescribed cortisol injections. Massage therapy, on the other hand, takes a more holistic approach.

“Once the effects of medications wear off, patients’ pain and discomfort are bound to return, so people end up going from one clinic to another, searching for a cure,” he says. “Instead of alleviating symptoms, massage therapy addresses the root cause and facilitates not just tension release by breaking down the knots and trigger points but quicker and longer-term recovery.”

And so, at Elite Healers, patient care and treatment outcomes are never left to chance. Cardona and his team have designed a unique intake process comprising several key steps to ensure comprehensive treatments that lead to complete muscle restoration.

The initial two steps consist of two special forms patients can fill in upon arrival at the clinic. The first is similar to intake forms one might receive at other medical institutions, where patients input detailed information about their health history. In contrast, the second form delves deeper into the reasons behind someone’s visit to Elite Healers.

This enables the team to align their knowledge about a client’s history from the first file with a person’s immediate medical needs.

The third and most important step of the process is physical assessment. Trained to use their hands as diagnostic tools, much like scanners, the Elite Healers team thoroughly evaluates the patient’s condition, including checking the patient’s mobility.

As Cardona highlights, “By integrating all this information, we can develop a highly personalized treatment plan.”

Within the broader implications of medical massage, Elite Healers Sports Massage has greatly contributed to the athletic recovery and medical wellness and set a benchmark for the industry. By carefully assessing each individual, targeting specific muscles, and applying techniques supported by science, they have helped countless individuals seeking healing, rejuvenation, and peak performance.

But, their journey is nowhere near done. As the medical horizon expands, Cardona also seeks to continue collaborating with other medical professionals, hoping to set the foundations of a system that provides better, more holistic care that puts patients’ needs ahead of everything else.

As Cardona says, “Everybody is unique, and so should be its treatment plan. That’s why I hope the medical community can come together and recognize the importance of customized care.”

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